Tales From Our Past

Ancient chewing gum, the stars, the gun, the forgotten

Five museums looking to test the qualities and possibilities of online cultural mediation, thus creating a streaming platform containing five short films; one for each museum and their subject of chose. RAGNA, being a strong, multifaceted team, could pair the best possible suited filmmaker to the right film.

Jonas Robstad created a short film for Museum Vestsjællands’ Malergaarden about the forgotten poet Valdemar Rørdam. A historical drama based on archive material and reconstruction. Watch the trailer here

Peter Salling and Frederiksbergmuseerne’s Bakkehuset depicts the story of the neglected, great literary figure Kamma Rahbek solely through reconstruction and voice-over. Watch the trailer here

Pernille Kjærsgaard Kjær and Museum Lolland-Falster allowed us to see the world through Lolas eyes with a wondering documentary about a girl from the Stone age and her gum. Watch the trailer here

Anders Quistgaard visited Observatoriet in Brorfelde and made a cosmic film wishing and wanting to be closer to the stars containing equal parts of facts and reflection. Watch the trailer here

Phillip Alexander Andersen and Oplevelsescenter Nyvang created a poetic action film about the nuances of a resister during World War II. Watch the trailer here

Special kudos to

Pernille Kjærgaard Kjær
Phillip Alexander Andersen
Peter Bjerre Salling
Jonas Robstad
Anders Quistgaard
Ann-Katrine Schøne Hansen
Mette Petersen
Kristoffer Bak Nielsen
Asbjørn Kiel
Phillip Alexander Andersen
Pernille Kjærgaard Kjær
Phillip Alexander Andersen
Peter Bjerre Salling
Jonas Robstad
Anders Quistgaard
Alexander Mayoh Moreno
Asbjørn Kiel
Frederik Jørgensen
Jesper Quistgaard
Abbi Moreno